About Dayton
Dayton Progress es especialista en soluciones de estampación. Tanto si necesita punzones, botones para matrices, retenedores, en piezas estándar o especiales, encontramos la solución adecuada para usted. Incluso incluimos los accesorios necesarios. Gracias a los años de experiencia, podemos ser su punto de contacto para los productos de acuerdo con las normas OEM y los estándares de la industria.
Our strength are customers' individual needs. We produce based on your configuration and etch the products with e.g. your internal numbers. Our customer service is here fo you via email or by phone. We are always ready to answer your requests and to provide advices.
Since 2012 Dayton Progress is part of the japanese conglomerate MISUMI corporation. The division and the products of press die components are supervised and sold by Dayton since 2014.
We also serve you with products of our partners UMIX/JCM and QUIRI.
Quiri is a specialist für hydraulic systems, selling its products to many industries; including aviation and space companies. We can deliver the full range of gas springs of QUIRI.
UMIX/JCM is spin-off UMIX Co. Ltd, a highly innovative die shop. UMIX/JCM is specialiced on the production of high qualitive cams.
DAYTON has always cultivated a strong partnership with car manufacturers and their supplier industry. Customers benefit from the fact that we offer the right product range and can advise them on standards and industry standards. Changes in design, materials and requirements have been with us for many years and we are constantly evolving.

Other industries in which we are at home include the punching of fittings, the manufacture of white goods and very small and filigree electronic components.
In order to meet these different requirements and to support our customers, we rely on a well-trained technical field and office staff.
Within Europe Dayton has five subsidiaries in Germany, Czech Republic, France, UK as well as a production facility in Portugal. Furthermore, we have distributors in many other European countries.
Worldwide DAYTON subsidiaries and distributors can be found in North America, South America, Asia, Australia and South Africa.
No matter wherever you are, you will have a point of contact and access to DAYTON and MISUMI products.
Cooperation with MISUMI
MISUMI is an international company and leader in the production and distribution of all kind of components for dies. The product range covers items for special machining, factory automation, mold die and press die.
Just as the motto says - "Precisely meeting your demands" - a major part our products is that they are configurable to the customers' needs.
Since 2003, MISUMI has an European headquarter in Schwalbach, Germany - MISUMI Europe GmbH. Located near Frankfurt, it allows us to quickly react to our customer's demands. Once an order is placed from our catalogue we delivering products within a short period of time.
MISUMI works to the QCT Principle - Quality / Cost / Time. The claim is to deliver the highest quality but with reduced cost and delivered in a short timeframe. Now that Dayton and MISUMI have formed a partnership, our customers benefit from the bundled competences.
The responsibilites for the MISUMI divisions are the following:
Factory automation, special machining and mold dies are served by MISUMI Europe. Dayton broadens its portfolio by the complete product range of MISUMI press die.
Growth of the company
Bernhard Schneiderr Schnitt- und Stanzwerkzeuge KG is growing. The product range as well. Together with OEMs in automotive industry new products are developed. The focus always lays on the needs of the market.
Sold to Dayton
Bernhard Schneider KG sells its subsidiary Schneider Stanznormalien to Dayton Progress Corporation, Ohio. A international working specialist for press die components.
Until 2000 the name Schneider Stanznormalien was kept for doing business - the customers got used to "Dayton" during that time.
Change of name
Foundation von Dayton Progress s.r.o., Tschechien
Distribution of MISUMI die components
DAYTON PROGRESS Corporation officially starts to sell MISUMI Press Die components und MISUMI Cams.
Establishment of company
Foundation of Bernhard Schneider Schnitt- und Stanzwerkzeuge KG in Oberursel/Ts, Germany. One concentrated on press die products. The most important customers came from automotive and aviation company.
Foundation of Dayton Progress Ltd., UK
Foundation of Dayton Progress SAS, France
Foundation of Dayton Progress, Perfuradores, Lda, Portugal
Misumi bought Dayton
DAYTON PROGRESS Corporation is bought by MISUMI Group Inc.