Punções e Matrizes Sistemas de perfuração Straight precision punches VERSATILE
Straight precision punches VERSATILE
DAYTON® JEKTOLE®, the punch with slug ejection. Can be locked for sharpening without dismantling of the punch.
Pat. No. 2,917,960 und 3,255,654
We etch all punches according to customers' specification.
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Especificaoes tecnicas
Material | HRC |
A2 (HWS) | 60-63 |
M2 (HSS) | 60-63 |
Head | 40-55 |
DYX with slug ejection
DUX without slug ejection
Exemplo de pedido
- Type
- Body & Length Codes
- P or P & W Dimensions
- Steel
- Standard Alterations