Simplify Complex Configurations

In a recent webinar, experts from Dayton Progress, MISUMI Europe, and Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence highlighted the benefits of simplifying complex configurations of DIN ISO 1530 and DIN ISO 8405 ejector pins and sleeves using VISI CAD and Mold-Ex-Press. These innovative software solutions streamline the work of designers and engineers by optimizing the parts configuration process.
Advantages of DIN ISO 1530 and DIN ISO 8405 Ejector Pins and Sleeves
Customizable Configuration with Minimal Effort
Makito Muramatsu from MISUMI Europe introduced the new product line of configurable ejector pins and sleeves. These components can be configured with precision up to 0.01 mm, allowing engineers to meet their exact requirements. The customization of the length and diameter of the pins and sleeves is done directly through the MISUMI webshop, significantly reducing the time required for internal reworks.
Transparent Pricing and Delivery Time
Another advantage of MISUMI products is the immediate display of prices and delivery times in the webshop. This facilitates project planning and budgeting, eliminating the need for additional inquiries via email or phone. Customers can also benefit from volume discounts displayed directly in the shop.
Mold-Ex-Press: A Revolutionary Software Solution
Easy Configuration and Ordering
Manuel Schneider from Dayton Progress presented Mold-Ex-Press, a software that further simplifies the configuration process. Mold-Ex-Press offers a user-friendly interface that allows the creation of CAD models of configured parts and direct online ordering. The software automatically generates correct part numbers, preventing errors in the configuration.
Integration into the Design Process
Mold-Ex-Press allows the configured parts to be directly included in a bill of materials (BOM). This list can be exported and forwarded to the purchasing department. Alternatively, orders can be placed directly through the MISUMI webshop, significantly simplifying the entire ordering process.
VISI CAD: Efficient Tool Design
Complete Tool Solutions
Marco Cattaneo from Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence showcased the capabilities of VISI CAD. This software provides a complete solution for tool design, from importing parts to creating the full tool list. VISI CAD enables easy insertion and customization of standard parts and automates cavity creation.
Integration with Mold-Ex-Press
A standout feature of VISI CAD is its seamless integration with Mold-Ex-Press. This allows users to access the entire MISUMI catalog and insert parts directly into their designs. The combination of these two tools saves time and reduces errors in the design process.
The combination of DIN ISO 1530 and DIN ISO 8405 ejector pins and sleeves with the software solutions VISI CAD and Mold-Ex-Press offers significant relief for designers and engineers. These tools enable precise configuration, transparent pricing, and seamless integration into the design process.